17 Crazy Ways To Get Him Interested Again – That Really Works

If your partner has lost interest in you, you’re not alone. because lots of people feel that way. In fact, many of them go for weeks and months without texting their partners or initiating contact. 

Often, people who lose interest in their partners do it because they’re too busy focusing on their careers or some other goal to give their relationship the attention it deserves.

However, if he has already moved on, you know, there’s a good chance that he doesn’t want to get back together with you. 

But what if he has lost interest in you? What do you do then? 

Well, it is no wonder because there are a lot of things you can do to get him interested in you again fast. And yes, the ways I have shared below have been proven time and time again to work wonders. 

So without ‌further ado, let’s discuss the ways through which you can get your partner interested in you once again!

How to Get Him Interested Again in You: 17 Crazy Ways

If you’re looking to get your partner interested in you again, there are a number of things you can do to revive the spark in your relationship, such as going for a walk or cooking yourself something delicious. 

Let your partner have his space, but be sure to continue to communicate with him, even if that means talking about random subjects or texting back and forth. 

Try being understanding if your partner is going through a hard time and let him know you’re there to listen.

This will show him that your relationship is important to you, which may help him become more invested in it again.

1). The More You Complain the Less Time He Will Spend With You

Although it may seem rather obvious, most individuals fail to notice it.

So, you know, if a guy has been using you and isn’t paying attention to you, doesn’t want to talk to you as much or spend time with you, ignores or avoids you constantly, or maybe you ask him to do something and he doesn’t do it, you may feel undervalued and unhappy, and when we feel unhappy, we start to nag.

For instance:

“Can you remove the trash?”

“Could you please clean the dishwasher”?

“Why do I have to tell you to tidy up after yourselves so often”?

“We don’t go out as much as we used to.”

“You don’t do this for me, you don’t do that for me,” and you keep kind of nagging and complaining and blaming because you’re unhappy because you feel like he’s taking you for granted.

The problem with these girls is that the more you nag and complain, the less that person wants to fix things and do things for you. 

When we actually hear somebody nag and complain, we want to remove ourselves even more from that person, even if it’s our fault that we are behaving this way.

So, I would recommend you focus on your goals instead. Focus on some hobbies. Do something you enjoy.

2). Shift Your Focus On Something You Enjoy

Shift your focus from him, from all the nagging and complaints and things that he doesn’t do for you and make you unhappy,

Shift that focus on how to make yourself happy by doing things that you enjoy in your life, and when he sees you happy and positive, automatically he will start to become more attracted to you because ladies think about it.

When we are happy, I know that when I’m happy and that I’m positive, people are drawn to me.

They want to spend more time with me but when I’m constantly nagging or complaining, or I’m in a bad place, people like them kind of try and avoid me because I’m not fun to be with.

So instead of blaming, make yourself happy, step by step, and he will want to spend more time with you.

3). Pay More Attention to Your Own Life 

If you and your partner have drifted apart, it may be time to put your relationship on the fast track.

It’s vital to be attentive to your own life, values, and boundaries in the relationship. That way, you won’t be too accommodating or too demanding.

Spend time doing activities that interest you and develop hobbies and interests of your own.

This will show your partner that you have an interesting, varied life outside of the relationship.

Also, be feminine and let him take the lead in initiating contact. This will keep things exciting and unpredictable, which can be a great way to keep his attention.

4). Write Something Engaging In Your Text

a boy and a girl sending messages to each other
a boy and a girl sending messages to each other

Write something that is interesting and engaging. Your text should not be too long, but the key is to keep it interesting and engaging so he will want to reply back.

If you are writing a message and expecting a response, then make sure your text is not too long or boring.

Try using positive phrases such as “Pumped with energy,” “I can’t stop thinking about you,” and “Let’s hang out.” These phrases will help capture your ex’s attention and make him want to reply. 

You can also send your ex a “ping text” with a cute picture or catchy meme. A “ping text” is a text message that comes from nowhere and is intended to catch someone’s attention or get their interest piqued.

Sending your ex a “ping text” can be a fun way of getting his attention and sparking a conversation. Get creative and come up with something unique for your “ping text” idea. 

5). Don’t Text Him When You Are Feeling Down

If you’re in a bad mood, don’t text your partner, as it will only create negative associations. Instead, take a walk or go for a run to de-stress before texting. 

This way, you will become less irritated and more receptive to your partner’s texts. Avoid texting your partner when you’re angry as this could lead to a heated exchange. 

Instead, take time out to calm down and come up with an idea of what you both can do together. When you get too busy with work or other commitments, avoid texting your partner more often than usual.

This way, you will not feel the need to rush back to him when you are free. 

6). It is Not Wise to Answer Too Quickly 

It is not wise to answer too quickly. If you want him back, it’s essential for you to give yourself some time to think about what you want to say in your text message, so that he won’t get upset because of how fast-paced everything has been lately.

If possible, try not getting into an argument with him or sending him a long message that goes nowhere at all.

Instead of saying “I’m sorry” and ending the conversation right away (or even later), try saying goodbye with some kind of closure line like “I’ll see you soon!”

This shows that there are no hard feelings between the two of you, and it will make both feel better about leaving each other on good terms.

7). Don’t Be Afraid To Flirt Openly

You don’t need to be afraid to flirt openly with him, because as long as you’re playful and keep things fun, your man will develop positive feelings toward you. 

In addition to playing fully slapping his arm or turning your back when he tries to get too close, make sure you let your silly side out and don’t be afraid to be a little weird and goofy. 

This will encourage the man to feel comfortable around you and will make him laugh.

Also, look him in the eyes as you mean it and have fun every time you’re together, which will also help keep the relationship exciting and memorable.

8). Take a Lovely Selfie And Sen It to Him

Consider sending a selfie to your partner as a way to show your affection and appreciation for him. Selfies can be a great way to show your love and make your partner feel special.

Before taking a selfie, make sure the lighting is good and the background is attractive. Try taking the photo in a well-lit area with a white or blank background. This will help create the perfect setting for your photo. 

For flattering angles, pose yourself in ways that accentuate your features and make you look beautiful and attractive.

For example, turn your head slightly to the side or towards the camera with a smile on your face. Also, try using different facial expressions for added impact.

Once you’ve taken the perfect selfie, add a personal message or caption to make it even more special. This can let your partner know how much you love him.

9). Know Your Own Worth 

When you are struggling to get your ex back, it’s vital not to have clingy behavior that may make you seem desperate. 

Instead, show your value by being attentive and caring but also being independent and self-driven. In doing so, you can increase your self-worth and understand your partner’s needs. 

Additionally, respect your values and priorities, including those around love and relationships. By doing so, you can ensure that your relationship is genuine and sustainable. 

And don’t be afraid to turn down offers that go against your beliefs or values if they do not feel right for you or your partner. This will help both of you stay true to yourselves and each other as an important part of the relationship.

10). Learn From Past Mistakes 

The first step in getting your partner back is understanding your mistakes.

When you’re thinking about how to get your partner back, you have to consider “why you broke up in the first place and what you said and did that led to the breakup.”

It can be useful to look at the situation with a critical eye and understand what led to the breakup.

This will allow you to recognize your own mistakes and prevent them from happening again in the future.

Not only will this help you move forward, but it will also help you learn from your past mistakes so that you don’t repeat them in the future.

11). Invite Him to Go Someplace He Loves 

A boy and a girl are holding each other’s hands while looking at the beauty of nature.

Invite him to go someplace he loves. If you are not sure where he loves to go, ask him.

You can also invite him to a place that you love and then say something like: “I know this place is great! Let’s go together!”

Ask him if he loves thrill-seeking activities. This can be a fun way to spend time together and could be a great way to reignite the spark in your relationship. 

Take your partner to an event It could be a Harry Potter-themed event or something that you know he loves.

This type of outing offers a magical experience and could be another way to capture your partner’s attention. 

If your partner loves nature, consider outdoor activities such as camping or kayaking.

These types of adventures also offer a thrilling but peaceful experience that could be another way to rekindle the flames of your relationship.

Last but not least, if your partner is a traveller at heart, consider organizing a fun sporting event such as a football game or go-karting.

This activity provides an exciting experience that could pique his interest and help reignite the spark in your relationship.

12). Be a Good Listener Instead Of a Chatterbox 

Try avoiding the habit of talking too much in conversations. This will help you become a good listener.

This will give your partner enough space to express himself and his thoughts. It will help bring out the best in him and encourage meaningful conversations.

You can show interest in what your partner has to say by asking ‌follow-up questions and inquiring about important topics.

A healthy relationship is all about mutual understanding and compromising on matters, so be willing to do this as well.

Also, respect your partner’s beliefs and values as they reflect who he is as a person.

13). Utilize Social Media to Your Benefit

Social media can be a great way to get your crush’s attention. However, it shouldn’t be used in a desperate or evoking way.

Instead, show that you are sad if the relationship ends but ready to move on.

Use hot selfies to draw his attention, but not in a way that suggests you’re only interested in him sexually. 

Include interesting comments from other guys on your social media posts to show interest in more than just your relationship.

Take a break from the relationship for a while to create space for your crush to chase you. 

This will give him the confidence needed to pursue you again. By utilizing social media wisely, you can fuel your crush’s ego and make him want to pursue you even more.

14). Remember You Two Have a History 

Remember that you two have a history and that this is not the first time you’ve been together.

The good times are in the past, but it can still be useful to remind him of how much fun you used to have together.

Remember your first date, the first kiss…the breakup and the reconciliation. When things were great and then they weren’t so great again, why?

15). Share a Bright Thought

If you’re struggling to get your ex interested in dating again, try reminding him of the fun times you’ve shared together.

You could text them a message that reminds them of all the fun things you’ve done together, or send them a picture of you both laughing with your arms around each other.

Use the same jokes and witty lines from your previous date to put your partner at ease, or take a photo of yourself and your partner smiling and laughing together.

Rekindle past moments by playing a song or cooking something your ex loves, which can bring back memories of times spent together.

Spend some quality time together reminiscing about the most colorful moments of your relationship.

By focusing on these simple steps, you can help your partner get emotionally invested in another date once again.

16). Find A Way To meet Again in Person

A boy and a girl are sitting next to each other looking at the water.

If you’re in a relationship where things aren’t quite clicking, it’s important to take the time to get to know your partner better.

Here’s how:

  • Take time to explore common interests and hobbies. Ask him to go to a place of his choice.
  • Look for ways to connect on those topics. This could include going out to dinner or watching a movie together or taking part in an activity together.
  • Plan a fun activity or outing together. It can be as simple as spending time in nature or travelling somewhere new together.
  • Bring Yourself a Thoughtful Gift for Your Partner. This could be anything from a homemade dinner to a thoughtful message expressing how much you care about them. 
  • Express your feelings in front of Him. This could be discussing any emotions you’re experiencing or ideas for improving the relationship or anything else on your mind.

17). Show Him Your Importance 

Show your self-worth to him, If you want your guy to get interested in you again, you have to first make yourself important.

This means that you need to become less available and start spending more time working on yourself. 

You could try reading a book, taking an interest in your hobbies, or volunteering for a cause. This will show him that you are committed to yourself and not just to him.

Avoid being easily triggered. When your guy texts you repeatedly, don’t respond immediately.

Instead, ignore the text and wait for him to message you again. This will let him know that he shouldn’t message you too much.

A Quick Recap 

  • 1). When we actually hear somebody nag and complain, we want to remove ourselves even more from that person.
  • 2). Shift your focus away from him—from all the nagging and complaining and the things that he doesn’t do for you that make you unhappy.
  • 3). Spend time doing activities that interest you and develop hobbies and interests of your own. 
  • 4). Write something that is interesting and engaging. 
  • 5). If you’re in a bad mood, don’t text your partner, as it will only create negative associations. 
  • 6). It is not wise to answer too quickly. Take some time to think about what you want to say in your text message.
  • 7). You don’t need to be afraid to flirt openly with him.
  • 8). Selfies can be a great way to show your love and make your partner feel special.
  • 9). Show your value by being attentive and caring while also being independent and self-driven. 
  • 10). It can be useful to look at the situation with a critical eye and understand what led to the breakup.
  • 11). Invite him to go someplace he loves. If you are not sure where he likes to go, ask him.
  • 12). Try to avoid the habit of talking too much in conversations. This will help you become a good listener.
  • 13). Social media can be a great way to get your crush’s attention.
  • 14). Remember that you two have a history and that this is not the first time you’ve been together.
  • 15). To get him interested in you again, try reminding him of the fun times you’ve shared together. 
  • 16). Leave him surprised by giving him a thoughtful gift without telling him.
  • 17). Avoid being easily triggered. When your guy texts you repeatedly, don’t respond immediately.


When you’re looking for ways to get your ex back and make him fall in love with you all over again, these methods might be helpful.

Pay attention to your own life. You’ll notice small things that he might’ve liked about you and maybe things he might’ve done that made you feel good.

If you write them down, it’s easier to remember them and use them in your text messages or Facebook posts.

Besides, thanking him for his effort will help boost his ego. Show your interest by taking selfies or using social media to set up dates with him.

Discuss your love life and hobbies with him so he’s more comfortable around you. And lastly, believe in yourself! If there was one thing you could tell your younger selves, it would be to trust our instincts.

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