What Makes a Man Miss a Woman After a Breakup? 13 Signs

A photo of a sad man lying in bed

Breakups are never easy, and it can be incredibly difficult to tell what really makes a man miss a woman after a breakup. But it doesn’t have to be a mystery! 

In this blog post, we’re going to explore 13 signs that can help you figure out what makes a man miss a woman after a breakup. 

Whether you’re hoping to get back together with your ex, or just want to understand why men feel the way they do, this blog post will provide the answers you need. 

So let’s get started and figure out what really makes a man miss a woman after a breakup.

What Makes a Man Miss a Woman After a Breakup? 13 Signs

Colse-up shoot of a man lying down

I know breakups are never easy, regardless of the circumstances. When a couple decides to part ways, it can leave both parties feeling hurt and confused. 

While it is normal for a woman to feel the pain of a breakup, what often goes unnoticed is when a man starts to miss the woman he just left. 

Well, the question is: 

When does a man start missing a woman after a breakup?

To be honest, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when a man begins to miss his partner.

But there are certain signs that can help you identify when a man is beginning to have feelings of longing and regret. 

With that being said, let’s jump straight into the signs of what makes a man miss a woman after a breakup for a deeper understanding.

1) He Misses Her Physical Presence

Breakups are often emotionally devastating, and it can take some time for a man to process what has happened and start missing the person he was with. 

However, when it comes to physical presence, it’s usually pretty instantaneous. A man will miss the physical contact he used to share with the woman he was with, whether it was cuddling or kissing. 

He will also miss just being around her, talking and laughing together. He might find himself longing for her touch, her smell, her warmth. 

This is one of the signs that a man is beginning to miss a woman after a breakup and is starting to realize the things that he took for granted during the relationship.

2) He Starts to Miss Her Smile

A smiling girl wearing eyeglasses

When a man goes through a breakup, he often doesn’t realize how much he will miss the little things about his ex-girlfriend. 

One of those little things that can be overlooked is her laughter. When a man starts to miss the sound of her laughter, it can be one of the first signs that he misses her and is having second thoughts about the breakup. 

When does a man start missing a woman? 

It can be when he starts to recall all of the memories they had together and how much fun they had, laughing together. 

A man starts to miss the sound of her laughter when he remembers how she could lighten up any situation and make him smile, no matter what was going on. 

What Makes a Man Miss a Woman After a Breakup? Even though it’s a small thing, missing the sound of her laughter is an important sign that a man still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend.

3) He Begins to Long For Her Cooking And Baking

A person holding back a frying pan

When it comes to what makes a man miss a woman after a breakup, the simple act of missing her cooking or baking can be a major sign. 

Most people take comfort in food, and when a man is alone after a breakup, he will often begin to crave the meals that she cooked for him. 

Whether it was a meal for two or a dinner for the family, those fond memories will start to flood his mind and make him long for those moments. 

He starts to miss her cooking and baking in the days and weeks following the breakup. 

This can be a subtle sign that he’s beginning to realize what he lost and all of the good times they shared together.

4) He Remembers All the Little Things She Used to Do

A man and a woman in a black coat standing on grey concrete pavement

When a man starts to think back on his relationship, it’s those little moments that he remembers most. 

He remembers how she used to put a few pieces of candy in his lunchbox, or the way she’d write little notes for him and put them in his pocket. 

He starts to reminisce about all the special moments they shared – from having late-night conversations to going on picnics together. 

All of these small gestures and memories become a reminder of what he once had, and it’s hard for him to let go. 

He may even start to wish he could have all of those moments back and regret ever letting her go. 

5) He Starts Missing Her Advice

One of the most powerful signs that What Makes a Man Miss a Woman After a Breakup is the fact that he begins to miss her advice. 

Men often don’t realize how important a woman’s guidance and wisdom can be until it’s gone. 

No one can deny the fact that a woman can offer perspective, understanding, and a different way of looking at things that men may not have considered before. 

When he is missing his partner, he begins to feel like he doesn’t have anyone to talk to and express his thoughts to. 

He starts to miss her honest opinions about things and her ability to provide valuable insight into situations. 

Often a man realizes how much he needs his partner’s advice when it’s too late. 

6) He Regrets All of The Fights They Had

A man in a blue and brown plaid dress shirt touching his hair

Breakups can be emotionally draining, and when a man breaks up with a woman, it can be difficult for him to accept that he’s made a mistake. 

One of the ways in which he may come to realize his mistake is by regretting all of the fights they had while they were together. 

It’s natural for any couple to have disagreements, but when those arguments cause a man to miss the woman he was once with, it’s a sign that he’s still in love with her. 

When a man begins to regret all of the fights he’s had with a woman, it’s an indication that he misses her and what makes a man miss a woman after a breakup.

7) He Begins to Doubt His Decision to Break Up With Her

When a man is going through a breakup, he starts to doubt his decision to break up with her. 

This is especially true if the woman was very special to him and he had strong feelings for her. 

He starts ‌to ask himself questions such as, “Did I make the right decision?” and “What if I still had her in my life?” 

He also feels regret for how he handled the situation and wonders if he could have done things differently. 

8) He Wonders if He Will Ever Find Someone Like Her Again

An emotional man leaning his head on his arms

After a breakup, a man might start to question if he’ll ever find someone like his ex-partner again. 

He begins to miss her for all of the qualities that made her unique and special to him. 

He thinks about all the times they laughed together or shared secrets and longs for that kind of connection again. 

It’s not just that he also starts to worry that he’ll never find someone with whom he shares such an intense bond. 

What makes a man miss a woman after a breakup is the realization that she was one-of-a-kind and the fear of never being able to find another person quite like her.

Related reading: Why Do Guys Stay in Touch With Ex-Girlfriends? 13 Genuine Reasons

9) He Starts to Think About All of The Places They Went Together

When a man is reflecting on what makes a man miss a woman after a breakup, he often remembers the places they went together. 

Whether it was a romantic getaway or just a short trip to the movies, these memories are incredibly precious and cause him to miss his ex-partner even more. 

It could be the beach they went to for the weekend or the bar they used to hang out at. 

These places will forever remain in his heart, and it’s possible that he may never visit them without thinking of her.

10) He Starts to Miss Her Family And Friends

When a man breaks up with a woman, it’s not just her that he misses. He also starts to miss her family and friends. 

After all, these were the people that he got to know and connect with during the relationship. 

He remembers all of the good times he had with them, like watching movies together or going out for dinners. 

It’s natural for him to start to long for those special moments shared with her family and friends, which makes him miss her even more. 

What Makes a Man Miss a Woman After a Breakup? The answer is simple: all the little things that made the relationship unique.

11) He Starts to Think About Her Scent

A dreamy black haired woman in garden

No matter how much time has passed since the breakup, many men still find themselves thinking about their ex’s scent. 

Whether it’s the smell of her hair, her perfume, or even the smell of her skin, men often find themselves longing for that familiar scent. 

A man finds himself remembering the way she smelled after she showered or the smell of her favorite lotion. 

He even finds himself missing the scent of her laundry detergent. 

Memories of a woman’s scent can bring about both pain and comfort for a man, as he realizes that although he can no longer experience that particular scent, he will never forget it.

12) All His Friends Tell Him He Was Crazy For Breaking Up With Her

It’s not uncommon for a man to second guess his decision to break up with a woman after it’s done. 

After all, the heart wants what it wants. In many cases, his friends and family will be the first to call him out on his mistake. 

They tell him ‌that he has made a huge mistake by letting her go and that he’ll never find someone like her again. 

All of these reminders can really drive home the fact that he made a huge mistake by breaking up with her. 

It’s hard for him to ignore the constant reminders from his loved ones and it makes him miss her even more.

13) He Finally Comes to the Realization that He Made a Mistake and Wants Her Back

When a man reaches the point of realizing that he made a mistake by ending the relationship, he can’t help but want her back. 

He begins to think of all the moments they shared, all the laughs and inside jokes, and he realizes that he wants to experience them again. 

He starts to miss her presence in his life, her companionship, and her unconditional support. 

He regrets the decision he made and wishes he could take it back. He knows that she was the one for him and that he was lucky to have her in his life. 

He wants to start over and make it right this time. He is willing to do whatever it takes to win her back and repair the relationship.

A Quick Recap:

  • A man starts to miss a woman after a breakup when he realizes that he is no longer able to experience her physical presence. 
  • He starts to miss the laughter they used to share and he might long for her cooking or baking skills as well. 
  • He remembers all of the little things she used to do and begins to miss her advice and wisdom. 
  • He regrets all of the fights they had and begins to doubt his decision to break up with her in the first place. 
  • He also wonders if he will ever find someone like her again and thinks about all of the places they went together.
  • The realization that he misses his former partner can also be a sign that he is starting to miss her. 
  • Finally, he starts to think about her scent or all of the wonderful memories they shared together. 
  • All of these things can add up and cause him to come to the realization that he made a mistake and wants her back. 
  • His friends may even tell him that he’s crazy for breaking up with her in the first place. 

Ultimately, a man may start to miss a woman after a breakup when he realizes that he can no longer experience all of the things that made their relationship so special. 

The emotional pain of a breakup can take time to heal and it is vital for both partners to process their feelings in order to move on in a healthy way.


Breakups can be difficult, but it is not a surprise that a man misses a woman after the split. 

He begins to think about all of the good times they had together, all of the little things she used to do, and how much he misses her physical presence. 

Sometimes it can be hard for him to admit that he made a mistake, but somehow he finds himself longing for her and wondering if he will ever find someone like her again.

Hope you find it helpful. If you find it helpful let me know in the comments section below. I would love to have your thoughts on it.

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